
Emanoel, BIM 2018
"With a well-balanced curriculum, strong focus on personalized counseling and world-class researchers supporting and teaching us, the BME Paris Master's program allowed me to fully comprehend the extension and complexity of the medical research field.
Even before graduating from the Bio Imaging track, in the fall of 2018, I got accepted in a competitive PhD program and soon realized the vast range of tools, methods and research techniques this Master's program had provided me with.
However, although the technical skills I acquired are essential for my daily routine as a PhD candidate, personally I believe the biggest strength of the BME Paris lies within its faculty and staff, who are always working towards the program's improvement and are ready to receive comments and critics, which are often acted upon. The friends I've made during these two years are yet another indication of the amazing environment created by students and staff! "

Gabrielle, BIN 2017
"I had been interested in the health sector for some years when I chose the Master track « Bioengineering and Innovation in Neuroscience » (BIN) for my last year of studies at my engineering school, Arts et Métiers ParisTech. The BIN Master appeared to be a balanced mix between neuroscience, engineering and new technologies (especially Brain-Computer Interfaces), and an opening to the world of research. I really appreciated to work for the first time with students from various academic backgrounds – medical doctors, biology students, engineers – and various countries, which is a good preparation to the way most of us will be working throughout our lives.
After introductory and more specialized courses, as well as several team projects, the research internship offers the opportunity to directly use our brand-new knowledge, and to benefit from an experience abroad for the students who wish to do so.
The BIN Master track opens up a door to the world of research, but does not close any to the world of industry : I plan to work as an engineer in a private company in the following years, starting with at least one year abroad in 2018."

"Biomedical engineering research is multidisciplinary in nature. The BME Paris master’s program offers a point of convergence for engineering and natural science students, allowing us to become professionals with a set of skills enabling us to approach problems in a unique way. From getting exposed to programming and modeling, to writing and presenting research papers related to the biomedical engineering field, classes are demanding but infinitely rewarding. This program provides the necessary tools for excellence in the research project and a solid knowledge base covering a large spectrum. The international learning atmosphere as well as the lively seminars enriched my journey. I have always been interested in interdisciplinary research with an immediate impact on the biomedical field. The BME program provided me with an ideal platform to complement my undergraduate degree and get accepted in several PhD programs at top-ranked universities."

"Originally from the Arts et Métiers Paris Tech engineering school, I have always been interested in the study of human being and health. To me, the Biomedical Engineering Master was a great opportunity to use the technical knowledge I had gained while discovering the field of health.
The topics we studied during this year were new and concrete and gave us clues to tackle biomechanical issues. I am now convinced that I found my way !"

Perrine, BIN 2015
“I am a medical student ("interne") in rehabilitation, I work especially with people who have a neurological impairment, eg paralysis or cognitive impairment after a cerebral stroke or a spinal cord injury. New technologies could be very useful to help these patients. Unfortunately medical studies don’t give us the ability to apply these technologies. The BIN Master program was a great opportunity to acquire a broad view of the relevant technologies, but also new skills, eg in programming and signal processing. It was also very enriching thanks to the interactions with my fellow students, who came from a large range of academic backgrounds and cultures. The exchanges with the other specialties of the Master still broaden the possibilities to share knowledge. I also had a lot of support from the BIN organizers to visit different hospital wards I was interested in.
This great experience allowed me to discern possible new applications for these technologies in my field. Interestingly most of them combine fundamental research and its applications. For instance, my BIN internship research project aims to assess a brain-computer interface dedicated to communication for people with severe motor disabilities. This answers a real need, while it also allows us to test several cognitive hypotheses, because this interface is a new research tool."

Jérémie, BioMAT 2015
"I am a graduate engineer of l'X - Ecole Polytechnique and of the BME master in the Biomaterials track. I am currently PhD student at the Cell Therapy Unit of Saint Louis Hospital in Paris. My motivation to become a biomedical engineer is that I got convinced that this field will greatly expand and bring progresses - that is not only technical progresses - to society.
With my previous formation in French "Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles" and at l'X I had studied fundamental science such as mathematics, physics, applied mathematics and biology. To some extent I was able to use these tools to understand certain details of biomedical engineering problems. Yet at this point I lacked the domain knowledge of biomedical engineering, and if I hadn't done this M2 I think that I would have come to reinvent the wheel most of the time and pass by simpler solutions than those I would have think of.
Thanks to the intervention of many specialists in areas as various as cardiovascular repair, tissue engineering, biointerfaces (etc.) the BME Master made the connection between the fundamental scientific approach and this domain knowledge.
Thus, although it is impossible in one year to become an expert in all areas of biomedical engineering, this master made me comfortable with the essential notions of biomedical engineering. This now makes me able to efficiently go further into one more specific area of biomedical engineering whenever I need to.
Last but not least this master was also the occasion to make new friends with varied experiences of life in a very nice context."

Aqeel, BIM 2014
"I am Aqeel SUBHANI from Pakistan, where I studied Medicine from Ayub Medical College Abbottabad. I joined the BIM specialty in 2013-2014. I enjoyed the diversity of origins and backgrounds of the students (M.D., engineers, biologists, physicists and mathematicians). I joined this master to learn about different imaging modalities of Biomedical Imaging like ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET, SPECT,optical and fluorescence Imaging. This Master had significantly improved my critical thinking skills. I had unique experiences during this time period, benefiting a lot from teaching by top experts, practical sessions on imaging plateforms, visits of various laboratories and hospitals in Paris, and introductions to a very large variety of multidiscilipinary research projects on important biological and medical problems.
I chose to do my internship in the Necker University Hospital, where the world`s first stethoscope was invented by René Laennec in 1816. My research topic involve playing a key role on studying dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound (DCE-US) in perfusion quantification of renal grafts and correlation of fibrosis with perfusion. I plan to continue on practising radiology in the immediate future."

Nirmal, MCB 2014
"After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology in Anna University (India), I was in a search for an interdisciplinary Master program. During this search, I have had an opportunity to meet people from ParisTech in a Graduate World Tour organized by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). After talking to them, I realized that this BME Master program was designed for me (with balanced lectures, lab and industrial trainings). Moreover, Paris is the best student friendly city (ranked consecutively First for last two years and this year third for Best Student Cities for Top Universities and fourth rank for Best Student Cities 2014: Top 10 for Employer Activity). So I was totally convinced and I applied. Not to mention that I have declined an offer from Imperial College London since I got an offer from BME-Paris. I joined my M1 in September 2012. I was keen to choose Molecular and Cellular Biotherapies for my M2 and I did the same. As the real innovation lies on applying the inventions/discoveries for the betterment of society, I found out that the Chairs of this MCB track were actually doing that. Three Chairpersons, who are some of the pioneers in this field, drive the MCB track. As I am so interested in academic research, this program helped me to hone my skills in scientific writings, logical thinking, wet lab skills, etc. As this program is an international one, you can develop a strong network around the world, which is a key in research. In a nutshell, this program helped me to get a PhD position in Neuroscience at a very good lab. If you are looking for a Master that has balance between Industrial exposure and academic research, I would definitely say BME-Paris is the one. Hope to see you in BME-Paris soon. Good luck."

Rémi, BIN 2013
"I come from the "Ecole polytechnique ParisTech" engineering school. I have always been interested in the application of my engineering background in medicine and more precisely in neurology. I followed the specialty "Bioengineering and Innovation in Neuroscience" of the BME master in parallel with medicine studies. It was a very interesting academic year. Both medicine and engineer courses were very complementary. In particular, an internship on the mathematical quantification of the diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease was very complementary with the experience in a neurology service I had as a medicine student. Still it was a lot of work to complete both formations. I am very glad that the professors of the master advised me a lot and supported me in my professional project.
I think the BIN specialty has several strengths. The students are well followed and advised by the professors (we are guided in our choices of internship and we had an information on the PhD in December), the internship possibilities are very varied and the week of seminar on a start-up creation is really intense and interesting."

Jason, BIN 2013
"With a background in biochemistry and pharmaceuticals, I will be finishing my M2 in Bioengineering and Innovation in Neuroscience (BIN) in July 2013. I have been very happy with the BIN program, which has enabled me to discover the interesting and innovative field of neuroengineering, an area in which I had little prior experience.
In my opinion, the greatest strengths of the BME Master program are twofold: (1) many opportunities for collaboration among a diverse and international group of students and faculty that range from scientists to engineers to medical doctors, and (2) several internships throughout the M1 and M2 years that allow the student to experience a variety of different labs and/or fields of research that can help shape his or her future career path.
Through the BME Master, I have had the opportunity to work in a wide variety of fields, from immunology to bioinformatics to neuroimaging, and this diverse set of internship experiences has helped me develop as a researcher and better hone my research interests. Of course, there is also no better place to be a student than in Paris, and I am very happy overall with my experience!"

Mathieu, BioMAT 2013
"I graduated from the Biomaterial track in 2013, after a bachelor degree in life science. As biomedical research was becoming more and more interdisciplinary, it was important for me to explore other disciplines such as mechanics, biophysics or biomaterials. I had the opportunity to apply all these new knowledges during my internship, where I worked on the physics parameters of a biomaterial that was used to culture human embryonic stem cells.
Following this rich experience at the BME, I decided to pursue my curriculum in a Business School. I now work in a life science venture capital firm where I everyday apply this broad vision of science that the BME master brought me. "

Guillaume, 2012
"I am Guillaume Dubois and I graduated with a Master of Biomedical Engeneering (biomechanics and biomaterials track) in 2012. Before joining this master, I took advanced courses in mechanics at ENS Cachan but I had never studied Life Science before. I did not want to work in the aeronautical field, I wanted to use my skills for the development of medicine. There are a lot of innovations in the biomedical field and it was definitely the right choice for me.
Thanks to the BME Master, I acquired valuable knowledge in this area and was able to discuss with medical stakeholders. Many courses are given by professionals so we are connected to the reality and the difficulties of the sector.
The Master Program has also allowed me to start working on a thesis about the modification of the muscles of the lower limb using ultrasounds."

Elisabeth, BIM 2011
"As a recent graduate of the Bioimaging track, I am now pursuing a PhD at the CEA in Saclay. I found this master program extremely interesting because it covers a broad range of topics taught by experts for each specialty. I really liked that the students came from different backgrounds : I have a degree in biophysics and my colleagues were medical doctors (radiologists for the most part). It was fascinating to learn about clinical medicine from people who were at the same level as I was. I learned so much thanks to this master program and I was able to pick from a long list of labs where I was going to do my internship. It was a wonderful experience and I am currently continuing in research."