Franck Griscelli
Franck Griscelli
Institut Gustave-Roussy
114, rue Édouard-Vaillant
94805 Villejuif Cedex
Campus CNRS
Bâtiment A
7 Rue Guy Mocquet
94805 Villejuif Cedex

Short Biography
Frank Griscelli is Professor of Biotherapy at Paris Descartes University, Doctor of Pharmacy and Doctor of Science. He has been researching for 23 years in research units (INSERM / CNRS) in the field of medical oncology. Since 1997, he has been director of the virology laboratory of the Gustave-Roussy Institute (Villejuif) and has been responsible for the patient monitoring laboratory included in gene therapy clinical trials in relation with several industrial promoters (Transgene, Aventis & Cobra Therapeutics). He also created and developed an insurance and quality control laboratory in the American subsidiary of Rhône Mérieux (Athens, GA, USA) specializing in the field of anti-infective vaccines. He is currently an investigator in the Inserm U935 unit and works on different projects in the field of cell therapy by using embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells as well. He is involved in the development of tissue bio engineering by using different sources of progenitors (liver, breast, pancreas kidney) for future medical applications.
Research Interests
- Gene therapy
- Cell therapy
- Tissue engineeringn
- Clinical trials
- I teach in the Molecular and Cellular Biotherapies (MCB) track and i am chairman of several teaching units
- I teach in several biotherapies fields including the development of gene and cell therapies programs to cure many somatic and genetic diseases
Professional Responsibilities and Experiences
- I am involved in the “INGESTEM” consortium as scientific director. INGESTEM is a first National Infrastructure in Biology and Health certified by the ARN agency and the first French consortium of therapeutic innovations based on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) and human tissue engineering. Our ambition is to use the major potential of cellular reprogramming techniques to generate models of human diseases and regenerative medicine
- I am currently director of the virology laboratory of the Gustave- Roussy Institute (Villejuif)
- Team leader in INSERM UMR S935 laboratory specialize in the development of clinical trial in the oncology field