Florence Cloppet
Florence Cloppet
Associate Professor
UFR de Mathématiques et d’Informatique
Université Paris Cité
45 rue des Saints Pères 75270 Paris Cedex 06

Short Biography
In 1990, Florence Cloppet obtained her bachelor in Neurosciences (Aix-Marseille University), and her Master in Computer Science for Life Sciences in 1992 (René Descartes University). Then she obtained her PhD from the René Descartes University (Paris V – France) in 1996 with a dissertation in Computer Science entitled “Image Analysis of cell cultures obtained by optical microscopy”. She has always been particularly involved in multidisciplinary research projects, either in Biomedical Imaging or more recently also in Document Imaging. In 2016, she obtained the HDR (Paris Descartes University), with a synthesis on all the research conducted since the PhD, with the use of Information/Knowledge in Analysis and Interpretation of the images. The main axis that is currently under investigation is the creation of an environment dedicated to the exploitation of large masses of acquired images (Big Data) for the development of new biomarkers in bioimaging. Florence Cloppet has also been involved in multidisciplinary teaching (Master in Computer Science applicate to Life Sciences (until 2010), Master Biomedical Engineering (since 2010).
Research Interests
- Biomedical Imaging
- Computer Vision
- Pattern Recognition
- Content-based image retrieval
- Machine Learning
- Image Analysis ( Image Progessing, Biomedical Imaging, Algorithmic Geometry, Pattern Recognition)
- Computer Programming Activity (languages: Java, C++, Python, C, HTML)
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Software Engineering
Professional Responsibilities and Experiences
- Since March 2015 Vice Deputy of LIPADE (EA 2517), Paris Descartes University (France)
- Since 2010 Co-chair of BIOIMAGING track of BioMedical Engineering Master Program, Paris Descartes University (France)
- 2008-2014 Co-chair of the « »Imagerie du Vivant » » project (Paris Descartes University)